Aditya Narayan, who recently tied the knot with Shweta Agarwal in an intimate wedding ceremony, has flown to Kashmir for their honeymoon. The newlyweds reached Kashmir two days back and plan to stay for a week.
On Saturday morning, Aditya took to his Instagram handle to share a selfie with his wife Shweta as they enjoyed a boat ride in Dal Lake in Srinagar. Cosying up to each other, Aditya clicked a lovely sun kissed selfie. Sharing the picture, he wrote, "सूर्यास्त, सुकून, श्वेता और शिकारा है ना खूबसूरत नज़ारा?"
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Two days back, Aditya had posted another selfie in which the couple is seen posing on the streets of Kashmir. “Honeymoon begins! Visiting heaven on earth #Kashmir for the first time,” he captioned the post.
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Meanwhile, Aditya Narayan is all praise for the Kashmir Valley. In an interview, the singer said, "So glad we picked Kashmir as our honeymoon destination. It is my first visit to the valley but it’s definitely not the last. Shweta and I are in love with the place."
“It is in fact one of the most beautiful, peaceful places in our country. The people are so warm and welcoming. Hospitality is amazing. Be it a chai ka ठेला or a 5 star, people go out of the way to make sure we are happy and comfortable," he added.
ALSO READ: Aditya Narayan reveals whether he and Shweta Agarwal have had first fight post marriage