Superstar Rajinikanth celebrated his 70th birthday on December 13. Fans trended several hashtags on Twitter on Thalaiva's birthday. Actors Akshay Kumar and Shah Rukh Khan also took to social media to wish him.
Akshay Kumar, who worked with Rajinikanth in 2.0, shared a picture with him and wrote, "Superhuman onscreen and a superb human off it...always feel fortunate to have shared screen space with you sir. Here’s wishing you a year filled with the best of health and more health. Happy birthday @rajinikanth sir."
Superhuman onscreen and a superb human off it...always feel fortunate to have shared screen space with you sir. Here’s wishing you a year filled with the best of health and more health. Happy birthday @rajinikanth sir ????
— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) December 12, 2020
Shah Rukh Khan shared a photo from the 'Lungi Dance' song Chennai Express and wrote, "Here’s wishing the Birthday a very Happy Rajinikanth!!! Marking another year of superhuman-ness from the one and only Thalaiva!! Health and happiness to you always @rajinikanth sir... Love you very much!"
Here’s wishing the Birthday a very Happy Rajinikanth!!! Marking another year of superhuman-ness from the one and only Thalaiva!! Health and happiness to you always @rajinikanth sir... Love you very much!
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) December 12, 2020
Rajinikanth recently announced he is launching his political party in January 2021. He said, "Will work as much as possible for the people. If we don't do it now change will never happen." He also said his victory in politics will be the victory of the people. He said, "It all depends on the people of Tamil Nadu. If I win when I enter politics, it will be the people's victory."