Anil Kapoor underwent a major physical transformation this year. The actor has been regularly sharing pictures and videos from his workout session and the results. Even the lockdown could not stop the actor from achieving his goal.
On Sunday evening, the actor shared a post speaking about his dream to post pictures on social media flaunting his physique and how it has now come true. Sharing two pictures of himself showing off his biceps, Anil wrote on Instagram, “We all dream of someday...someday we will do this, someday we will do that....the story behind this picture is of one such someday.... Don’t worry, I’m not going to go on a rant here.... I just always wished that someday I could also post pictures showing off my biceps and triceps like people do....well today is that someday! Celebrating the small victories!!”
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Meanwhile, on the work front, Anil Kapoor will next be seen in the film AK vs AK where he plays a movie star who gets on the wrong foot with a filmmaker played by Anurag Kashyap. The latter sets Anil Kapoor on a chase to search for his missing daughter while capturing his emotions on camera. The trailer of the film was released recently and the film will be released on December 24 on Netflix.