Netflix released the trailer of its first mockumentary drama in India, AK Vs AK, scheduled to release on December 24, 2020. Ahead of the release of the trailer, the two celebrities engaged in a nasty exchange on Twitter that led to everyone believe that they were fighting. In an exclusive video, Anil Kapoor and Jackie Shroff had a Ram Lakhan reunion for a special segment called 'Maushisplaining'.
In the video, the two stars, who have worked together in Ram Lakhan, talked about the upcoming film AK VS AK coming on Netflix. Anil could not stop mocking Anurag Kashyap and Jackie Shroff joined the fun. Have a look at it:
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The film traces the journey of a ‘full-of-himself’ film director Anurag Kashyap, as he kidnaps the daughter of one of Bollywood’s most iconic living legends, Anil Kapoor. What follows is Kapoor’s desperate search for his daughter, as he races against the clock. Directed by Vikramaditya Motwane, AK Vs AK is produced by Andolan Films.