Just recently it was announced that controversy’s favourite child Rakhi Sawant had been roped in to feature on the popular TV show Bigg Boss 14. Rakhi who shot to fame thanks to an earlier season of the show readily accepted the offer to enter the house again, and promised that it would be an entertainment filled season. In a recent interview with Bollywood Hungama, Rakhi spoke about what to expect from the new season of Bigg Boss, and also opened up about Arshi Khan denying being her friend.
Speaking about her past relationship with Arshi, and how her denial of friendship affected her, Rakhi revealed, “I was really hurt, since I took Arshi everywhere, for every show, got her films, stage shows, award functions... She used to say that I am like a sister to her... But she took all the work and then went to the media and said she isn’t my friend even. Excuse me... It hurt me a lot, but then I thought you don’t want my friendship so now see what it is like to be my enemy.”