Kangana Ranaut has recently wrapped up the shoot for her upcoming film Thalaivi where she will be seen portraying the role of late actor-politician Jayalalitha. The actress has been very vocal about her political opinions off-late and informed her fans that she was wrapped up the shoot. Taking to her Twitter account, Kangana Ranaut shared a couple of pictures, one of herself and the other of the late politician.
Wearing a similar saree and showing off a peace sign in the picture just like Jayalalitha, Kangana Ranaut wrote, “And it’s a wrap, today we successfully completed the filming of our most ambitious project Thalaivi- the revolutionary leader, rarely an actor finds a character that comes alive in flesh and blood and I fall in love so hard but now suddenly it’s time to say bye,mixed feelings❤️”. In another tweet, she wrote, “Opportunity of a lifetime thank you team @vishinduri @ShaaileshRSingh @BrindaPrasad1 @neeta_lulla @rajatsaroraa , Vijendra Parsad ji @ballusaluja @gvprakash @thearvindswami and director A. L. Vijay sir, each and every member of my wonderful crew, thank you thank you thank you.”
Take a look at her tweets.
And it’s a wrap, today we successfully completed the filming of our most ambitious project Thalaivi- the revolutionary leader, rarely an actor finds a character that comes alive in flesh and blood and I fall in love so hard but now suddenly it’s time to say bye,mixed feelings❤️ pic.twitter.com/0tmrQ2ml3m
— Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) December 12, 2020