Actor Anil Kapoor was probably among the first mainstream actors to do a full fledged limited TV series. In 2013, he appeared in the TV show titled 24, in which he played the role of Jai Singh Rathod, who worked with the Anti-Terrorism squad. The series is based on the American series of the same name. The first season of the series aired in 2013 and the season 2 concluded in 2016.
However, not many know that Anil Kapoor had offered Kapil Sharma a role in the series which the latter had refused. The Ram Lakhan actor, who will be appearing in The Kapil Sharma Show in the upcoming weekend will be seen talking to Kapil about the same. In the promo video of the upcoming episode, Kapil is heard saying, “Anil Kapoor had offered me to be a part of the 24 series. I was super excited. But the thing was at the time my show had just started and was very new." Responding to this, Anil said, "Then it is a good thing you did not do 24," and the duo burst out laughing.
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Kapil Sharma made his acting debut in Bollywood in 2016 with the film Kis KisKo Pyaar Karoon. The comedian is one of the most popular faces on television and will soon be making his digital debut with a web series, the details of which are currently under wraps.