Actors Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan celebrated their son Taimur Ali Khan’s fourth birthday on Sunday, December 20, and hosted a small family gathering at their Fortune Heights residence in Mumbai. Karisma Kapoor, Randhir Kapoor, Babita Kapoor, Soha Ali Khan, Kunal Kemmu, and their daughter Inaaya Naumi were in attendance.
The little one got to celebrate his birthday at Gallop restaurant in Mumbai. Kareena shared few pictures on her Instagram stories.
Today, earlier in the day, she shared a heartwarming message for her son, that read, "My child... I’m happy at four you have such determination, dedication and focus on what you want to do... which is now picking up the haystack and feeding the cow... God bless you my hardworking boy... but on the way, don’t forget to taste the snow, pluck flowers, jump up and down, climb trees and of course eat all your cake...Chase your dreams and keep your chin up my boy... but above all else... do everything in your life that makes you smile. No one can or ever will love you more than your Amma. Happy Birthday, Son... My Tim.”
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Soha Ali Khan also shared cutest moments of cousins Taimur and Inaaya Naumi. Along with the pictues, she wrote, "Happy birthday Tim Tim ???? My big brother - four today and for always❤️ @kareenakapoorkhan."
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Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan are expecting their second child together. Today, she also announced her book Kareena Kapoor Khan’s Pregnancy Bible to be published in 2021.