Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan recently announced that they are soon expecting a baby and the news went viral. As soon as Kareena Kapoor returned from her trip to Palampur with Saif Ali Khan and Taimur Ali Khan, she resumed work. Kareena Kapoor had not stopped working even when her pregnancy was announced and feels that it’s always healthy to continue working. This is the second time that Kareena Kapoor Khan is pregnant and had resumed work soon after her first delivery.
Speaking to a daily, she had said that she has never been the person to put her feet up and stop working. She has always been very vocal about her opinions on being a working woman and says that working during pregnancy and post-delivery is one of the reasons to prove a point to those who keep saying that pregnant women shouldn’t work. Kareena had also spoken about how a baby and a mother are healthy if the mother is active during the pregnancy and it also affects the baby’s mood.
Speaking of Saif Ali Khan, she said that he has always had women around him working, be it his mother, sister, wife, or daughter so he’s very understanding like that. Saif Ali Khan ensures to give them their space and lets them do what they want. Kareena Kapoor Khan says she’s glad he understands the importance of work in a woman’s life and says it comes from his mother.
Also Read: Kareena Kapoor Khan shares a throwback picture with her ‘Saif-haven’