The most popular quiz show on Indian Television, Kaun Banega Crorepati witnessed a contestant who wishes to marry Bollywood's leading diva Kiara Advani. The promo of KBC's upcoming epsiode features the contestant expressing his desire to marry Kiara Advani when asked if he's her fan.
The contestant has a wall full of Kiara's pictures at his home. As he attempts to win on the show, he carried Kiara's picture in his pocket, as he believes she is his lucky mascot.
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With her mass appeal and back-to-back successes, Kiara Advani has amassed a huge fan base not just in the metropolitan areas but also amongst the Heartlands of India.
After making her debut with the performance oriented Fugly, Kiara Advani created a niche for herself with the blockbuster success of MS Dhoni, Kabir Singh further elevated the fame of the actress. With back-to-back impactful performances in Guilty and Good Newzz, Kiara Advani became one of the most popular and loved names of the nation.