On Wednesday, actress Kriti Sanon had informed through her social media handles that she has been tested positive for COVID-19. The actress, who is currently under quarantine, rewatched her film Raabta which also features the late Sushant Singh Rajput.
Kriti took to her Instagram stories to share a picture of her TV screen on which she was watching the film. It was rumoured that Kriti and Sushant were dating during the making of the film, but broke up later on. Sharing a picture as her Instagram story, Kriti wrote: ‘Shiv and Saira after agessss! Just...’ The picture from the film showed Kriti and Sushant in a conversation.
On Wednesday, Kriti took to her social media handle and shared a note informing about contracting the novel coronavirus. “I’d like to inform everyone that I have tested positive for Covid-19. There’s absolutely nothing to worry as I’m feeling fine and have quarantined myself as per BMC and my doctor’s advice. So I’m gonna ride this tide, rest it out and resume work soon. Till then, I’m reading all the warm wishes and they seem to be working. Be safe guys, the pandemic hasn’t gone yet,” she wrote.
Kriti tested positive right after she returned to Mumbai from Chandigarh after wrapping up a schedule of her upcoming film with Rajkummar Rao.