Neha Sharma, who was last seen in the music video ‘Dil Ko Karaar Aaya’ with Sidharth Shukla, has shared a throwback picture flaunting her perfect bikini body. Neha Sharma has always been one of the fittest celebrities in the industry and has managed to make people fall in love with her dazzling smile.
With a lot of people avoiding travel due to the pandemic, Neha Sharma shared a throwback picture from her vacation in Hawaii. Enjoying the sea, Neha Sharma is seen in a black bikini with her hair let down and a pair of shades to round off the look. She shared the smoking hot picture with the caption, “This time last year...#holidayonmymind #holiday #throwback #Hawaii”
Take a look at it right here.
This time last year...#holidayonmymind #holiday #throwback #Hawaii
— Neha Sharma (@Officialneha) December 11, 2020
Also Read: Neha Sharma looks hot as she strikes a pose in a white bikini in a pool