In late November 2020, Priyanka Chopra kicked off her next Hollywood project Text For You which stars Grammy Award-winning artist Celine Dion and Outlander actor Sam Heughan. As per the latest development, popstar and actor Nick Jonas, Priyanka's husband, has a special appearance in the upcoming romantic comedy. The duo was seen shooting in London earlier this week.
According to Daily Mail, Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra were shooting a scene in a yellow cab at King's Cross in London. While the 28-year-old singer donned black casuals, the actress wore a burgundy coat with her patent dark lips and soft curls.
???? | Imagens de Nick e Priyanka gravando uma cena do filme “Text For You” em Londres.
— Nick Jonas Brasil (@NJBROficial) December 9, 2020
According to Deadline, "It’s about a woman who, to ease the pain after tragically losing her fiancé, starts to send romantic texts to his old cell. It turns out, the phone number has been reassigned to a man across town suffering from similar heartbreak. The two meet and feel an undeniable connection, but can’t seem to leave the past behind. In this English language remake, the music and influence of Dion gives them the courage to take a chance on love again."
Text For You is inspired by the German film SMS Fur Dich that was based on Sofie Cramer’s popular novel.