Barun Sobti has not been the most active person on social media, but a post here and there would leave his fans drooling in no time. The actor has recently joined Instagram and his Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon costar Sanaya Irani has found the wittiest way to welcome him on the social media platform. The duo has been friends for the longest time and is usually seen hanging out with the rest of their group including their respective spouses.
Sharing an adorable group picture on her Instagram, Sanaya wrote, “Always the last one for everything. Welcome to the gram my friend @barunsobti_says ????????????”. Barun and Sanaya’s on-screen chemistry is still one of the finest we have come across and their fans can’t help but wait for them to collaborate once again. Barun also took to his newly made Instagram account to share a small video montage where he’s seen saying, “Change is the only constant. So, here I am, evolving.” Take a look at both their posts right here.
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Barun Sobti fans are definitely going crazy over the actor’s social media presence and are hoping to see more of him online.
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