Recently, a 20-year-old from a college near Muzaffarpur had named Emraan Hashmi as his father and Sunny Leone as his mother in his admission form for engineering. The form went viral after the authorities took notice of it and is still being circulated on social media. While Emraan had a witty reply to this, Sunny Leone has also reacted to the situation.
She tweeted, “This kids awsome !!!!! Way to dream big :)))))))) XO hahahaha”. Needless to say, the actors had a good laugh over the situation while the authorities are still trying to resolve the matter at hand. Sunny Leone and Emraan Hashmi are quite known for their image in Bollywood films and their popularity speaks for itself.
Take a look at Sunny Leone’s tweet, right here.
This kids awsome !!!!! Way to dream big :)))))))) XO hahahaha
— sunnyleone (@SunnyLeone) December 12, 2020
Also Read: A 20-year-old student names Emraan Hashmi and Sunny Leone as parents, Emraan reacts