Rashmi Rocket, starring Taapsee Pannu, began shooting in Pune earlier in November after the actress wrapped up Haseen Dilruba. The actress has been sharing glimpses from the shooting schedule which has been quite challenging. Her physical training has been exhausting. She recently wrapped up the Ranchi schedule of the film.
Sharing the black-and-white picture, Taapsee wrote, “And it’s a wrap on Ranchi schedule! Done with the races finally! Hasn’t been a day I haven’t tipped my hat to the real athletes who do this everyday of their life for years ! I am glad I don’t have to do this for real #RashmiRocket.”
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In another note, she thanked her team including her trainer for keeping her spirits high during the tough schedules. "It was literally a war we were fighting. Every day, every minute, against time against my physical limitations, against covid, and against THE injury I contracted. These were my frontline soldiers in this war," she said.
Rashmi Rocket is written by Nanda Periyasamy, Aniruddha Guha, and Kanika Dhillon. The film is being helmed by Akash Khurana who directed Karwaan. Bankrolled by Ronnie Screwvala along with Neha Anand and Pranjal Khandhdiya, the film is eyeing a 2021 release.
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