Vaani Kapoor who will be seen alongside Akshay Kumar in the film Bell Bottom is all praise for the superstar. On Wednesday, she took to her Instagram handle and shared a sun kissed picture with her co-star along with a sweet note.
In the post, Vaani Kapoor mentioned how Akshay made the journey of the film memorable. "How wonderful are you, Akshay sir, you've made this journey so much more special for me, will miss your fun self...until we meet again," wrote Vaani in her special note. The photo features the co-stars smiling with all their heart.
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The shoot of Bell Bottom was wrapped up in October. It was one of the first films to start and wrap up shoot right after lockdown restrictions were lifted in the second half of the year. The film was shot in London and Glasgow in a start-to-finish schedule.
Directed by Ranjit Tiwari the film also stars Huma Qureshi and Lara Dutta. The film is produced by Pooja Entertainment and Emmay Entertainment.