The cast of Jug Jugg Jeeyo including Varun Dhawan, Kiara Advani, Neetu Kapoor, Anil Kapoor, and Prajakta Koli had started shooting for the film in the beginning of November in Chandigarh. However, a few weeks after the shoot began, actors Varun Dhawan, Maniesh Paul, Neetu Kapoor and director Raj Mehta tested positive for COVID-19 bringing the shoot to a halt.
Now with all four testing negative for the virus, the team has once again resumed shooting. On Friday night, Varun shared a selfie with his co-star Kiara Advani. Both of them had their masks on in the picture. Sharing the picture, he wrote, "And we’re back #jugjuggjeeyo with my praying partner @kiaraaliaadvani"
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Meanwhile, the cast and crew will be taking further precautions on the set as they go ahead with the shoot. A source close to the project informed earlier that the cast and crew will be tested for COVID-19 every three days. “The shooting schedule in Chandigarh is likely to be shortened. The unit is expected to pack up and leave sooner than expected. Everyone is nervous, especially for Neetu Kapoor who is the most senior principal actor,” says the source.