Varun Dhawan, who has recently started working on his upcoming film with Kiara Advani, Neetu Kapoor, and Anil Kapoor – Jug Jugg Jeeyo, has contracted the Coronavirus. Taking to his Instagram, the actor had informed his fans of the news and is hoping for a quick recovery. Along with him, Anil Kapoor and Neetu Singh have also tested positive. Being an actor comes with a lot of pros as well as cons and the star kids have to deal with online trolling on a daily basis.
A troll commented on Varun Dhawan’s post asking if he’s not mistaking COVID-19 for a mere cough and overreacting. Losing his cool, Varun Dhawan responded to the comment but later on to delete the post. The comment read, “Bhai sahi mein hua hai na? Ya phir yahan bhi normal khaasi ki overacting kar raha hai?” Being the sasquatch that he is, Varun Dhawan replied, “Wow ur so funny. What an amazing sense of humour you have. I hope you and your family don’t have to suffer through this though they will have to suffer throught your sad excuse of humour. Get well soon son.”
Varun then went on to make a different post, take a look at it.
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Also Read: Varun Dhawan confirms he has tested positive for COVID-19 and is currently recovering in Mumbai