Actor Varun Dhawan has announced that he has finished the first schedule of Jug Jugg Jeeyo in Chandigarh. After recovering from COVID-19, he resumed the shooting and the filming was completed before takes off to ring in New Year.
Varun Dhawan shared a video on his Instagram on Wednesday. In the video, he was wearing a black sweatshirt with Jug Jugg Jeeyo written on its back. He captioned the post, "It''s a wrap on our first sched of #jugjuggjeeyo in Chandigarh. I got covid recovered went back."
The video was filmed by director Raj Mehta who commented on the post saying, "Wow!! Wonder who shot it!" To which, the actor responded, "Do u really want me to take his real name but great shot? But great shot."
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Jug Jugg Jeeyo stars Varun Dhawan, Kiara Advani, Anil Kapoor, Neetu Kapoor, Prajakta Koli, and Maniesh Paul.