Recently, Punit Pathak tied the knot with his long-time girlfriend Nidhi Moony Singh at an intimate wedding celebration in Lonavla. The couple was accompanied by his family and close friends from the industry on his big day and the videos of his wedding functions have gone viral for all the right reasons. From Bharti Singh and Harsh Limbachiyaa’s bhangra moves to Punit’s love-struck expressions watching Nidhi walk down the aisle, their wedding was surely fairytale-like.
In a recent video posted by Shakti Mohan, Mouni Roy is seen letting her inner Bollywood enthusiast out. Dressed in their best traditional outfits, Mouni Roy along with Mukti Mohan and others in the video are seen dancing to Salman Khan and Karisma Kapoor’s hit song from Dulhan Hum Le Jayenge, ‘Dhadhke Dil Baar Baar’. Take a look at their video, right here.
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The video surely reminds us of the pre-COVID-19 wedding season.
Also Read: VIDEO: Mouni Roy shakes a leg to ‘Bole Chudiyan’ at Aamna Sharif’s Diwali Party