After a successful run on TV with shows like Dil Deke Dekho, Parvarish and Meri Bhabhi talented actor Abhishek Bajaj made his Bollywood debut with Student Of The Year 2, where he was seen in a pivotal role opposite Tiger Shroff in the film. Abhishek is now looking forward to his second Hindi film outing, the Ayushmann Khurrana and Vaani Kapoor-starrer Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui, in which he plays a negative part. The movie features Ayushmann as a cross-functional athlete and it wrapped up in Chandigarh recently.
Talking about Abhishek’s role, a source from the unit says, “His character will be seen as a rival to Ayushmann in the film. Both the actor bonded over their Punjabi background while shooting. Since they couldn’t exercise in gyms due to the pandemic, they enjoyed working out together on the set with Punjabi songs playing in the background. Ayushmann’s trainer often guided Abhishek.”
The source adds that the shoot started in October and the unit ensured that all the safety precautions were taken, like maintaining social distancing and following COVID-19 protocols.
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