Actor Ananya Panday took off to the Maldives ahead of New Year with Khaali Peeli co-star Ishaan Khatter. Since then, they are rumoured to be in a relationship. Now, Ananya misses her time at the beach and shared throwback pictures.
Sharing two stunning pictures, Ananya Panday captioned them, “is it too early to post a throwback?"
On the work front, Ananya Panday will be seen sharing the screen space with Deepika Padukone and Siddhant Chaturvedi in the upcoming Shakun Batra directorial. She will next star in Vijay Deverakonda's next tentatively titled Fighter.
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ALSO READ: Ishaan Khatter shares a video of underwater experience with Ananya Panday from their Maldives vacation, watch video
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