Earlier this week, Deepika Padukone celebrated her 35th birthday with a small party at a suburban restaurant in Mumbai. The actress received tonnes of wishes from all quarters. Hrithik Roshan penned a very sweet message while wishing the Padmaavat actress on her birthday which was on January 5th.
He tweeted, “Happy Birthday my dear @deepikapadukone! Keep shining and dazzling the world like only you do. Best wishes, always ????."
Deepika’s response to the wish is melting the hearts of the fans once again. The actress replied saying “Thank You so much HR!♥️ Now for another big celebration coming up in a couple of days...!@iHrithik."
Thank You so much HR!❤️
Now for another big celebration coming up in a couple of days...!????????????@iHrithik https://t.co/oD2belXkVi
— Deepika Padukone (@deepikapadukone) January 7, 2021
While some fans are hoping that the actress is hinting at a film announcement together, others are saying that the celebration is for Hrithik Roshan’s birthday, which is also just a few days apart, on January 10th. His fans are super excited for that day and have already begun the countdown.