Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan are all set to welcome their second baby. The couple has been constantly working before they go on their maternity and paternity leaves. Any day now, Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan will welcome their baby and have decided to keep the baby away from social media, unlike their firstborn, Taimur Ali Khan who happens to be a social media star.
On her chat show, What Women Want 3, her brother-in-law Kunal Kemmu was one of the guests and were speaking of apologizing to each other after a fight with their significant other. Kunal Kemmu said that the work sorry’s page from Soha Ali Khan’s dictionary has been torn and fixed in his. Kareena Kapoor Khan also revealed that during a fight with Saif Ali Khan, he is the first one to apologize usually and also said that it’s the men who end up doing silly things.
The couple has recently moved into a new home.
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