Actress Kriti Sanon has flown to Jaisalmer with the team of Bachchan Pandey to kick off the shooting of the film. The film stars Akshay Kumar, Jacqueline Fernandez in the lead roles. Before the shooting begins later this week, the actress went on an adventure ride. Kriti Sanon fulfilled her dream to ride a bike whilst a song plays in the background.
She wrote, “Four wheels, Move the body, Two wheels, Move the soul.. P.S. I always wanted to ride a bike with this song playing in the background!” The actress is seen wearing a brown turtle neck top along with denims, with a helmet and knee pads as ‘Hairat’ song from Anjaana Anjaani played in the background. A team member was riding another bike in the video.
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Bachchan Pandey is an upcoming action-comedy film directed by Farhad Samji and is produced by Sajid Nadiadwala.
ALSO READ: Sajid Nadiadwala is all set to shoot Bachchan Pandey in Jaisalmer from January 6
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