Kriti Sanon has recently recovered from COVID-19 and began shooting post-recovery for Bachchan Pandey with Akshay Kumar. After making her debut with Nadiadwala Grandson, this project is even more special as she reunited with her Housefull 4 co-star. After a low-key New Year’s celebration, Kriti Sanon headed to Jaisalmer, to begin the first schedule of Bachchan Pandey and looks delightful in the pictures.
Now, she has shared a few pictures from the sets as she posed with her crew including her makeup artists Adrian Jacobs and Aasif Ahmed, and stylist Sukriti Grover. Looking gorgeous in a pair of torn jeans, a white top, and a denim jacket, Kriti Sanon certainly knows how to own the place as she flaunted her blonde highlights for the film. She posted the pictures with the caption, “Mine!! ???????? For life.. ????”
Take a look at them, right here.
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Bachchan Pandey also stars Arshad Warsi and Jacqueline Fernandez in pivotal roles with Farhad Samji as their director.
Also Read: Kriti Sanon counts all her firsts as she begins shoot for Bachchan Pandey in Jaisalmer
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