Ruling the streaming space with her cute avatar and curly locks, Mithila Palkar has always been a fan favorite. With her upcoming film - Tribhanga: Tedhi Medhi Crazy, she takes a leap into her character of Masha - a married woman in a patriarchal household. Her character craves a life that is secure & full of love for her children which displays the lack of family she felt as a child.
Mithila Palkar talking about the similar personality traits between Masha and her said, “I don’t think I am similar to Masha at all. The choices that Masha made were the ones that I would never make, but having said that I won’t judge her for that because I know where she came from and why she made those choices. I think the one thing that binds us together is that whatever are the decisions we take, we are going to be judged for some of them. I feel like we both are aware that we have the freedom to make a choice and are very strongly opinionated about the choices that we make - whether or not they fit in anybody else’s build or it is in sync with anyone else’s ideas, principles, or values. We know that it’s a choice that is going to make us happy and we’ve taken this call being very self-aware of what may or may not happen. I think that is the one thing that binds us together but otherwise, I don’t think there is anything that is similar. She is quite peaceful actually and a very quiet person who is to herself. I am quite the opposite of that - loud!”
Tribhanga: Tedhi Medhi Crazy is the story of a dysfunctional family of women and their unconventional decisions that display a complex family drama of human failings and flaws. The film is scheduled to release on Netflix on 15th January 2021.
ALSO READ: Kajol unveils the teaser of Tribhanga; to release on Netflix on this date
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