For Vaani Kapoor, 2021 is seeming to be an incredibly big year with Shamshera, Bell-Bottom, and Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui all set to hit the big screen. The actress has been paired opposite three superstars Ranbir Kapoor, Akshay Kumar, and Ayushmann Khurrana respectively in these films. Vaani is thrilled that she would be able to showcase her versatility through these three remarkably different films!
Vaani says, “This feels like a special year for me to show diversity as an artist and I’m supremely excited about this. I have tried to pick films that have appealed to my heart. I was always prepared to wait than choose projects out of a hurry and that’s why I have done fewer projects.”
Vaani admits that there was pressure on her to be more visible through her projects since she had only done three films (Shudh Desi Romance, Befikre, and War) in six years.
She says, “While many have consistently told me to be more visible through my films, I have always believed in choosing quality over quantity. Fortunately, I’m getting to dabble in three different genres and will be presented on screen in three different ways. I have always wanted to show my range as a performer and Shamshera, Bell-Bottom, and Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui will hopefully allow me to showcase variant aspects as an actor.”
ALSO READ: “I have given all of my heart to Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui”, says Vaani Kapoor
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