After a lot of speculation and anticipation, Varun Dhawan and Natasha Dalal tied the knot yesterday amid the close family members and a few friends. Dressed in traditional Manish Malhotra outfits, the newlyweds posed for pictures outside The Mansion House. Varun Dhawan took to his Instagram to share a couple of candid pictures and they looked oh-so-smitten in them as they performed the wedding rituals.
Sharing a video on his Instagram story, Varun Dhawan and his Main Tera Hero co-star are seen grooving to the music. Looking ecstatic as ever, Varun Dhawan has managed to get married in complete privacy and his fans are hoping that the actor will be sharing pictures from all the ceremonies from here on. While there was an acrylic board that read ‘Awkward but enthusiastic dancing’, Varun Dhawan and Kavish Majmudar have been quite living by the words.
Take a look at it, right here.
Varun Dhawan’s wedding reception 2.0 is being said to take place in Mumbai amid the Bollywood celebrities.
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