Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan and Natasha Dalal are all set to tie the knot on Sunday. The family of the bride and the groom reached Alibaug earlier today and will be kicking off the wedding festivities tonight. Ahead of the first ceremony tonight, guests have started pouring in at the wedding venue to celebrate the couple.
On Friday evening, Mehendi artist Veena Nagda was spotted entering the venue. Veena is a popular mehendi artist and has done mehendi for Kajal Aggarwal and Sonam Kapoor Ahuja as well at their weddings.
According to the reports, their wedding will have a COVID-19 restricted list. The wedding will have 40 members from both families in Alibaug. They will stay in a resort from January 22 to 26 and plan to return to Mumbai post that. While there are lots of lists floating around of the celebrities attending the wedding, the guest list includes close family and friends only.
The wedding will take place at Mansion House on January 24 followed by a reception on January 26.
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