Shilpa Shetty, who will soon be making her comeback with Hungama 2, was recently spotted with her entire family at Siddhivinayak temple. The actress has always been religious and her fans await to see her perform rituals during the festivals. Along with Shilpa Shetty, Raj Kundra, their kids Vivaan and Samisha, her mother, Raj Kundra’s parents and Shamita Shetty were also spotted.
What got our attention was the mother-daughter duo of Shilpa and Samisha posing for the paparazzi as they waved for the cameras. Like mother like daughter, Samisha is also seen enjoying the attention and posed like a pro with Shilpa Shetty. Dressed in casual Indian attires, the family posed happily outside the temple. Take a look at their pictures right here.
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