Fitness star Vidyut Jammwal takes to his social media to spread a heartfelt message to the mothers of all the stuntmen in India. The context of it was that the actor has wrapped the shooting of the action sequences of his highly anticipated action-thriller, Sanak.
He recorded the video message for all the people who leave their house for work and their mothers who ask them to take care of themselves. In the video, he says, "I finished the shooting of Sanak; the action is over and it's a great feeling that sab safe hain, sab khush hain."
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The Khuda Haafiz actor says in the video that his message is for all the guys who perform action and stuntmen whose mothers fear for their lives. He concluded the video by urging mothers to not worry and assured them that their sons loved them.
Towards the end of the video, he dedicates the song 'O Maai Meri' to the stuntmen and their mothers. In the caption space, Jammwal wrote, "Mothers we love you and we promise you we will be safe/careful for you ALWAYS."
On the work front, Vidyut's upcoming projects include Khuda Haafiz Chapter II and Sanak.
ALSO READ: Chinese-American megastar Daniel Wu shares his success mantra with Vidyut Jammwal
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