The trailer of Kangana Ranaut's upcoming film Thalaivi was launched on Tuesday on the occasion of the actress' birthday. The trailer gave a glimpse into the life of late actor-turned-politician J Jayalalithaa. The trailer was heavily appreciated by several including filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma.
While Ram Gopal Varma doesn't always agree with Kangana Ranaut , he was surely blown by her performance and took to Twitter to express the same. He even apologized to her and accepted her claims of being the most versatile actress in the world like Hollywood legend Meryl Streep.
After watching the trailer, Varma tweeted, "Hey@KanganaTeam I might disagree with u on certain overreaches in some specific regions but I want to salute u for being so super duper special #ThalaiviTrailer is just MINDBLOWING and I am sure JAYALALITHA must be thrilled in heaven."
Kangana replied, "Hey sir... I don’t disagree with you on anything... I like and appreciate you very much, in this dead serious world where egos and prides get hurt so easily I appreciate you cause you don’t take anything seriously not even yourself.... Thank you for compliments."
Hey sir... I don’t disagree with you on anything... I like and appreciate you very much, in this dead serious world where egos and prides get hurt so easily I appreciate you cause you don’t take anything seriously not even yourself.... Thank you for compliments.
— Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) March 24, 2021
Responding to Kangana, Varma apologised and accepted her earlier claim. "Well @KanganaTeam, anyone with strong opinions is bound to provoke extreme reactions ..I must confess I felt urs a tall claim when u compared with Hollywood greats, but I now apologise and agree 100% that no other actress in the world has ever had ur versatility,” he wrote.
Well @KanganaTeam ,anyone with strong opinions is bound to provoke extreme reactions ..I must confess I felt urs a tall claim when u compared with Hollywood greats,but I now apologise and agree 100% that no other actress in the world has ever had ur versatility ????????????
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) March 24, 2021
Thalaivi will be released in theatres on April 23, 2021.
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