Akshay Kuamr and his daughter Nitara are the cutest father-daughter duo from the industry. The actor is fond of the festival of colours and to mark the occasion, Akshay Kumar shared a picture with his daughter Nitara. This also happens to be the first picture of Nitara Kumar that the actor has posted where her face is being seen clearly.
Both Akshay Kumar and Twinkle Khanna have never posted a picture of Nitara clearly to keep her away from the limelight. Sharing a picture of himself with Nitara smeared in yellow colour, and wrote, “No bigger joy than festivities with those who are a part of you ❤️#HoliHappiness #StaySafe #FamilyFun”
Take a look at it, right here.
No bigger joy than festivities with those who are a part of you ❤️#HoliHappiness #StaySafe #FamilyFun pic.twitter.com/GAhdnuLzPw
— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) March 29, 2021
On the work front, Akshay Kumar will be seen in Bachchan Pandey and Ram Setu.
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