Bollywood filmmaker Rohit Shetty who is behind films like Golmaal series, All The Best, Singham series, and Simmba turns a year older today. On his birthday, Akshay Kumar took to his social media to send out a special wish to his Sooryavanshi director.
Akshay Kumar and Rohit Shetty collaborated for the first time for the film Sooryavanshi which is yet to be released. On Sunday morning, Akshay shared a picture with Rohit and wrote, "It was easiest to bond with Rohit because we shared one common passion which brought us together : Action! Happy birthday Rohit, wishing you an action-packed year ahead"
It was easiest to bond with Rohit because we shared one common passion which brought us together : Action! Happy birthday Rohit, wishing you an action-packed year ahead ????
— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) March 14, 2021
Meanwhile, the release date of Sooryavanshi was finally announced earlier today. The film was initially supposed to release in March, 2020. However, the pandemic ruined all plans and the film will now be released in theatres on April 30. The film also stars Katrina Kaif and will see Ranveer Singh and Ajay Devgn in cameo appearances.
ALSO READ: CONFIRMED: Akshay Kumar starrer Sooryavanshi to release on April 30
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