Ananya Panday always brings some quirky content up on her social media. Each time, the actress posts a picture, there comes a wave of love and appreciation her way. The actress recently kicked off the next schedule of Shakun Batra directorial.
A day ago, Ananya Panday took to her Instagram handle, and shared an alluring sun kissed picture of hers, which she captioned it "???????? #PostPackUpShot with my fave dear friend @avigowariker. "
In the picture, Ananya can be seen wearing a printed crop top with warm hues of makeup keeping her side-parted wavy hair all open, which seems to compliment the actress really well.
On the work fromt, Ananya Panday will be starring in Liger co-starring Vijay Deverakonda. She also has Shakun Batra's next, alongside Deepika Padukone and Siddhant Chaturvedi in the pipeline.
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Also Read: Ananya Panday begins the next shooting schedule of Shakun Batra’s next
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