Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli welcomed their first baby girl, Vamika, on January 11 and the new parents are basking in the joy of her arrival. Joining the league of the hot moms in the industry, Anushka Sharma managed to lose the pregnancy weight almost immediately and became a major inspiration for new moms. While the couple has decided to keep their baby away from the limelight, they have shared a glimpse of her without revealing her face.
Anushka Sharma recently posted a sun-kissed picture on her Instagram and has been garnering all the love for the right reasons. Her industry colleagues couldn’t help but be love-struck by her flawless picture and the list included her husband Virat Kohli and Band Baaja Baaraat co-star Ranveer Singh. Alia Bhatt couldn’t help but comment a few heart emojis on the picture.
Take a look at the picture, right here.
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On the work front, Anushka Sharma is currently on a paternity break but does have a few projects lined up for her production house.
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