Bollywood actress Esha Deol is all set to make a comeback to the movies. The actress had taken a break from films to look after her daughters Radhya and Miraya. But now with her daughters having grown a little older, Esha is planning on making a comeback.
Talking to an entertainment portal, Esha said that she is getting good work offers and is ready to face the camera again. The actress has also lost a lot of weight and is back to her toned self. Esha further revealed that she has been reading many scripts and has already finished one project and will start her next by June this year. Esha Deol made her Bollywood debut in 2002 with the film Koi Mere Dil Se Poochhe opposite
Aftab Shivdasani.
Talking further about the Hindi film that she has wrapped, Esha said that she cannot reveal much as the official announcement is yet to be made. But the actress is confident that every woman will identify with the film and said that it has a beautiful message. Esha was last seen in the film Cakewalk directed by Ram Kamal Mukherjee which received critical acclaim.
ALSO READ: Esha Deol showers love on brother Abhay Deol on his birthday with a special post
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