Actor Shah Rukh Khan’s Red Chillies Entertainment office in Mumbai has been redesigned! Interior designer and SRK's wife Gauri Khan took up the project during the lockdown to refurbish the swanky office.
Taking to the Instagram, Gauri Khan shared series of pictures and wrote, "Designing Shah Rukh’s office at Red Chillies was great a experience throughout the lockdown. I wouldn’t trust anyone other than @vox.india.interior for this project. Amidst the masculine and minimalistic theme with a color palette of black, white and grey, Kerradeco gave me a wide range of options providing a tactile touch sensation."
"The innovative infratop ceiling system of VOX soffit promises extraordinary quality as well as reliability. A home away from home, creating a space that was comfortable yet that nurtured creativity," she added.
"Designing the office with a huge outdoor space was an interesting challenge for me. The ease and comfort to attend virtual meetings as well as creatively brainstorming for future projects at his office at Red Chillies office was my topmost priority for him," she concluded.
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Last year, in July, Shah Rukh Khan had reminded Gauri Khan that she has to completely change his office. He wrote “Can you now please refurbish my Red Chillies office room with a new ceiling I have been asking you to do!!! I want something nice to look upto when we restart work.”
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