Kareena Kapoor Khan welcomed her second child with Saif Ali Khan on February 21. While their first born Taimur is a social media star since his birth, they decided to keep their second child away from the limelight. The couple are in no hurry to even announce the name of their child. But on Monday morning, Kareena brightened her instagram feed with a glimpse of her newborn.
On the occasion of Women's day, Kareena took to Instagram to share a picture of her posing with her baby boy. He child is seen leaning on to her shoulder with his face away from the camera. Sharing the picture, Kareena wrote, "here’s nothing women can’t do! Happy Women’s Day my loves #InternationalWomensDay"
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Kareena Kapoor Khan is set to publish her first pregnancy book - Kareena Kapoor Khan's Pregnancy Bible which is set to release in 2021. She will also star alongside Aamir Khan in Laal Singh Chaddha.
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