Krishna Shroff is undoubtedly one of the fittest celebrity siblings, considering she co-runs the MMA studio with her brother Tiger Shroff. Krishna has managed to make heads turn with her bikini-clad looks in the past and this time, too, she has managed to soar the temperature with her pictures. Currently, on her getaway in the Maldives, Krishna Shroff has been sharing multiple bikini-clad pictures from her trip and the fans just can’t seem to get enough of this hottie.
From sharing her snorkeling experience to posing at the beaches like the true-blue diva that she is, Krishna Shroff has been making heads turn with her sizzling avatar. Even though this isn’t the first time that she has shared her bikini pictures, her social media followers are left stunned like all the previous times. Take a look at her pictures right here.
Needless to say, Krishna Shroff has motivated us to finally hit the gym.
Also Read: HOTNESS! Krishna Shroff stuns in pink lacy lingerie flaunting her curves
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