Shivali Parab who is known for her roles in Pie In The Sky, WhatsApp Love, and Wake Up will now be seen playing the role of Guddi in Sony Entertainment’s recently launched sitcom; Sargam Ki Sadhe Satii. Shivali will be seen playing the role of Guddi in the show. Guddi is the new house help for Awasthi parivar. Only because Sargam raised concerns to Chedilal Awasthi (Sargam’s father-in-law), Chedilal Awasthi agreed to allow house help to support Sargam.
Sargam Ki Sadhe Satii is a show filled with all the fun and banter that goes on in a joint family. Awasthi parivar is quite unique as it has seven and a half men in the house and only one woman who has taken the responsibility of all these men. At times, men of the house tend to drive Sargam against the wall due to their distinct and very peculiar personalities.
Sharing her excitement on joining the cast of Sargam Ki Sadhe Satii, Shivali said, “This is my debut in Hindi television and I am really looking forward to work with new people. I am quite thrilled to be a part of Sargam Ki Sadhe Satii. My character in the show, Guddi, is very lively and bubbly. She is a happy-go-lucky person who is joining the Awasthi house to help Sargam with daily chores. The cast of the sitcom is very warm and welcoming. The breaks are quite fun as everyone is always laughing and cracking jokes with each other. She further adds, “There is a twist that my character is going to bring the show and I am sure audience will be very curious to know about it. I thank Sony TV for this opportunity”
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