Neha Sharma, who was last seen in a music video with Sidharth Shukla, has always been a fitness enthusiast. The Tum Bin 2 actress has frequently posted pictures from her vacations where she’s enjoying the sun and sand looking ravishing as ever in bikinis and monokinis. Flaunting her curves yet again, Neha posted another bikini-clad picture and we can’t take our eyes off of her.
Dressed in a pristine white bikini, Neha Sharma shared the picture as she posed in front of the greenery. Apart from being one of the hottest actresses, Neha Sharma has had a classic fashion sense and this time too, the actress paired her bikini with a white oversized shirt that made her look sexier with minimal effort. She captioned it as, “????????????Holiday on my mind..”
Take a look at it right here.
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Neha Sharma will next be seen in Jogira Sara Ra Ra with Nawazuddin Siddiqui.
Also Read: Nawazuddin Siddiqui and Neha Sharma start shooting for Jogira Sara Ra Ra in Uttar Pradesh
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