Rahul Vaidya and Disha Parmar have been the most talked-about couple of Bigg Boss 14. The singer made a grand proposal for marriage mid-season and the answer left his fans ecstatic. Rahul Vaidya and Disha Parmar managed to win hearts during their brief appearance together on the show. All set to tie the knot in June, the couple recently visited a friend’s wedding and set the stage ablaze with their performance.
Dressed in a hot pink lehenga, Disha Parmar looked ethereal in the traditional attire while Rahul Vaidya wore a contrasting grey suit. Dancing to the tunes of ‘Tumse Milke’ from Main Hoon Na, the couple danced to the tunes of the song perfectly. Making their fans go in awe of them, their video went viral for all the right reasons, take a look at it right here.
During one of the interviews, Rahul Vaidya had confirmed that he will be tying the knot with Disha Parmar sometime in June this year.
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