Sara Ali Khan recently wrapped up the shoot for Aanand L Rai’s Atrangi Re. She will be seen starring with Akshay Kumar and Dhanush for the first time in the said film and has now been unwinding in the Maldives. Making heads turn with her recent Instagram post, Sara Ali Khan has left her fans swooning with her bikini-clad look once again.
Her fans certainly wait for her social media posts, especially when she’s away on a vacation. Dressed in an orange bikini with an off-white crocheted overthrow, Sara Ali Khan posed by the infinity pool and we’re in love with her all over again. With minimal makeup and beach waves for her hairdo, Sara Ali Khan looks regal even in the simplest looks. She posted a couple of pictures on her Instagram and wrote, “Your daily dose of Vitamin C????????????#vitaminc #vitaminsea ????????????”
Take a look at it, right here.
Sara Ali Khan has also been rumoured to star in Baaghi 4 opposite Tiger Shroff.
Also Read: Sara Ali Khan and Inaaya Kemmu’s latest pictures is all about sisterhood
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