Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor and his wife Mira Kapoor took up the viral Centre of Gravity challenge and nailed it. The aim of the challenge is to prove that women have better balance with a lower centre of gravity. While several videos on Instagram have proved this, Shahid Kapoor shows otherwise.
Sharing the video of the two taking up the challenge, Mira wrote, "Always up for a challenge, Mr Kapoor. You’re a smooth operator. Nailed it." In the video, Shahid makes the challenge look like a cake walk.
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The challenge requires the participant to kneel on all fours and prop their chin up with elbows on the ground. They just then quickly put their arms behind their backs and maintain balance in the position. While women usually maintain their balance, most men fall to the ground.
On the work front, Shahid Kapoor will next be seen in the film Jersey which is scheduled to be released on November 5.
ALSO READ: Shahid Kapoor thanks his fans for the ‘rare love’ showered on him by them with a throwback picture
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