Shilpa Shetty is quite active on social media. Apart from sharing her fitness videos and famous Sunday binge videos, the actress also shares goofy and quirky pictures of herself. On Tuesday, Shilpa had her followers in splits with her own interpretation of the famous line ‘Great minds think alike’.
Shilpa Shetty posed in front of the portraits of renowned scientists and copied their quirky expression by sticking her tongue out with her eyes wide open. The portraits in the background also have similar expressions. "Great minds... think alike #ShilpaKaFuntra #funtimes #TakeABreak (sic),” she captioned the post.
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Back on the work front, Shilpa Shetty will soon be seen making her comeback with Sabbir Khan's film Nikamma alongside Abhimanyu Dassani and Shirley Setia. Apart from that, Shilpa has also wrapped the shoot of Priyadarshan's Hungama 2. The film also stars Paresh Rawal, Meezaan Jaaferi and Pranitha Subhash in important roles.
ALSO READ: Shilpa Shetty sets major spring fashion goals in pink crop top and flowy skirt worth Rs. 20,000
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