Bollywood’s fittest Yoga instructor Shilpa Shetty would be gracing the stage of Indian idol 12 this weekend to promote her upcoming show Super Dancer Chapter 4. Along with her Geeta Kapoor and Anurag Basu also graced the stage to make the evening star-studded.
The special guests were seen having a blast with the judges and the contestants. Post the melodic performance of Sawai and Anjali on the song ‘Tujhe Yaad Na Meri Aayi’ and ‘Der Na Ho Jaye’. The host Aditya Narayan requested Shilpa Shetty to teach few Yoga asanas to contestants and him. Shilpa Shetty being the sport she is she immediately agreed and came on the stage to teach them a few aasans. Ashish, Sawai, and Aditya were her students. They were seen having a gala time learning different Yoga aasans from Shilpa Shetty herself.
Ashish and Sawai said “Learning few aasans from the great Shilpa Shetty was a pleasure for us. She was down to earth and sweet she immediately agreed to teach us few yoga poses which we can practice.”
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