Siddhant Chaturvedi recently confirmed that he has tested positive for COVID-19 a few days ago and the ‘get well soon’ wishes have been pouring in from his fans and well-wishers ever since. Jugging between the shoots of Phone Bhoot with Ishaan Khatter and Katrina Kaif along with Shakun Batra’s untitled next with Deepika Padukone and Ananya Panday, Siddhant has had quite a busy schedule for the past months.
Taking to his Instagram, Siddhant Chaturvedi ensured to keep his fans updated on his health and posted a selfie while being in home quarantine. The actor has always been quite active on social media and has managed to gain a massive fan following after his debut in Gully Boy. Being one of the most looked-up-to actors, Siddhant has been maintaining all the protocols laid down by the government and is in touch with the medical experts for assistance. He captioned his selfie as, “Abhi Vaccine aane ki khushi hui hi thi ki... Corona bola Thappa! ✋#RecoveryMode”.
Take a look at it, right here.
Siddhant will also be seen in Bunty Aur Babli 2 with Sharvari Wagh, Rani Mukerji, and Saif Ali Khan. Here’s wishing Siddhant Chaturvedi a speedy recovery!
Also Read: Siddhant Chaturvedi tests COVID-19 positive; says he is feeling fine and self quarantining at home
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